
“Get out Dilma” Anti-Government Protests in Brazil Continue, though Smaller than Before – Pensa Brasil – Conectado com você

Protesters in favor of the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff took to the streets yet again on Sunday, December 13, after a nearly four months, but in lower numbers.

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A Datafolha survey shows that, in São Paulo, 40,300 people protested on Paulista avenue – the highest number of participants was registered in March: 210,00 participants. Other demonstrations occurred throughout the country.

The protest organizers said they were taken by surprise after the impeachment was accepted by the President of the lower house of Congress, Eduardo Cunha, two weeks ago, which gave them little time to make preparations.

Groups such as “Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL)” and “Vem Pra Rua” said the protests were just “warming up” for bigger demonstrations to occur next year and declared they were satisfied with the number of participants. The next demonstration is scheduled for March 13, 2016.

On Paulista avenue, most of the protesters formed were dressed in green and yellow and held thousands of gas balloons distributed by Fiesp (Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo) and many “pixulekos”, inflatable figures representing satirically those connected to the PT and the federal government involved in the ongoing crisis.

A sign of the PSDB’s official adhesion to the proposal of impeachment, PSDB Senators José Serra and Aloysio Nunes Ferreira (SP), spoke for the first time during an event of this type. Many participants asked to take selfies with DEM Senator Ronaldo Caiado (GO).

Based on police reports on the protests that occurred in other states, Folha verified that the demonstrations gathered a total of 33,600 people in 18 capital cities. Organizers, however, said there were 78,000 participants.

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